dilluns, 1 de novembre del 2010

Dance: Jazz and Contemporary

By Berta Ros

I’m going to explain the concept of dance, and of two particular types of dance. Dance is an art form that involves self-expression through body movements to the rhythm of music. Dance is a way to express feelings and emotions but may also have a strong social or religious component.

We can distinguish various types of dance but perhaps some of the most important, although not the only ones, are: classical dance, contemporary dance, jazz dance, belly dancing, Spanish dancing, capoeira, hip-hop and tap dancing.

I have chosen two types of dance, jazz and contemporary. I have chosen them because they are the ones that I know best.


Jazz dance was born in the early 20th century.

It originated from black dances but has evolved and taken elements from ballet and other modern dances. It was called jazz, because it took the typical elements of jazz music: improvisation and individual style.

Every jazz dancer interprets and executes moves and steps in his or her own way. There is no single jazz style, everyone has their own. It is better to know the basics of ballet, although it is not necessary.

Jazz dance is often referred to as tap dance.

Notable directors, dancers, and choreographers are Katherine Dunham and Bob Fosse.


Contemporary dance originated at the end of the 19th century, as an alternative to ballet. That is why the basis comes from ballet, although the movements are not rigid.

Contemporary dance allows the dancer to express an emotion or a message. Contemporary dance is 100% acting. It is often present in great visual spectacles such as circus, theatre and opera. Contemporary dance shows may include audiovisual techniques, such as videos, images or transparencies.

The music used is not necessary classical.

Sometimes dancers dance barefoot and with loose hair.

Notable directors, dancers, and choreographers are Isadora Duncan and Merce Cunningham.

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