dissabte, 26 de març del 2011


By Nicolás Ordax

Some weeks ago I went to the football match between F.C.Barcelona and Atlético de Madrid. I went with my two cousins and it was awesome. We arrived there some minutes before the match began. The stadium was full, there were a lot of people. When the players came on the pitch, the crowd went mad. The place was full of Barça T-shirts, flags and funny hats. The game started. Barcelona didn't start very well, they didn't do very much and people became bored. I must say the Camp Nou isn't a stadium with much atmosphere. Some minutes later, Barça made a good movement and scored, everybody stood up and yelled. Half time arrived soon after the goal. We ate something and waited until the second half began. In the second half, Barcelona played better and people started to cheer up and even sing a bit. At the end of the game, after Barça had scored two more goals, people were doing the Mexican wave, we all stood up and it was great fun. It was a great experience.

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