divendres, 13 de maig del 2011

Free fall

By Kyle Pearson

Free fall consists in jumping from an airplane and with the parachute closed until the last moment. This sport is very attractive because it makes your adrenalin go up to the limit.

This sport comes from when soldiers jumped from the airplanes and opened their parachute at the last moment to decrease the time they were in the air, so it was more difficult for their enemies to kill them.

When you practice this sport you jump from a plane at 4000 metres of altitude and you open your parachute at 1500 metres, you are normally one minute in the air and you can go at 250Km/h!

The record of free fall was achieved by Eugene Andreev when he travelled 24.500m without a parachute.

People who tried it say that you can't compare the free fall with any other sensation. When you fly you only feel the pressure on your body and you don't have any reference to the altitude you are.

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